Joke about Guy and Denis

Guy and Denis are mentally ill and live in a psychiatric hospital.

One day Guy is walking by the pool. He falls into the water and sinks.

Denis jumps into the water and pulls Guy from the bottom. He brings him to the surface.

When the director learns of Denis’ heroic deed, he decides to discharge him immediately, believing that if Denis is capable of such a deed, he must be psychologically stable.
The director himself gives Denis the good news.
He tells him:
– I have good news and bad news for you!
The good news is that we are releasing you from the hospital because you were able to do a brave deed by saving another person’s life. I believe you have regained your mental balance.
The bad news is that Guy hanged himself in the laundry room with the belt of his bathrobe!

Denis then replies to the director:
– He didn’t hang himself, I hung him out to dry…….


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