An Englishman, Scotsman, and Irishman

An Englishman, Scotsman, and Irishman wanted to see the Olympics, but they didn’t have tickets. They went round back to see if they could sneak in, but there was a guard at the rear entrance which is also where the competing athletes entered. The Englishman looks around and sees a long pole on the ground and gets an idea. He grabs the pole and walks up to the guard and says “Bentley. England. Pole Vaulting.” The guard thinks he’s an athlete and let’s him in. The Scotsman sees this and thinks he could try too. He grabbed a manhole cover and walked up to the guard. “MacGregor. Scotland. Discus.” and the guard let him in. The Irishman is looking all over for something to help get him in and sees a bale of barbed wire. He grabs the bale and proudly exclaims to the guard…

“Murphy. Ireland. Fencing.”


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